Tutorial Tuesday: Candy Corn Wreath

I first saw this idea in Woman’s Day magazine and thought it was sooo cute.

I also liked it because it involved candy corn.

Oh, candy corn, how you tease me so.

Am I the only one that loves candy corn?

With its high nutritional value of high fructose corn syrup, what’s not to love?

Okay, back to the tutorial.


*Styrofoam Circle

*Candy Corn (Mine took one bag of Brach’s Candy Corn…and that included the kids stealing some and me stealing some too)

*Black Ribbon (the magazine said use black duct tape to wrap it. Although I have a love for duct tape, I thought ribbon was less expensive here) You’ll also need black ribbon to hang it up at the end.

*Glue Gun

*Clear spray paint (optional)

*Door hanger (optional…depends on where/what you want to hang it from)


1. Wrap your styrofoam circle with the black ribbon. I used a little hot glue at the beginning and then every so often added a little more as I wrapped.

2. Start in the bottom center of the wreath and start hot gluing the candy corn on, going in ONE direction. I started at the bottom center because I figured that if I got to the top and it didn’t measure out just right, it would be covered up with the ribbon to hang it up by in the end. I did have to break a few candy corns in half to complete the rows as I went along.

3. Starting in the bottom middle again, hot glue the candy corn in the opposite direction. Keep doing the rows in opposite directions.

4. Optional Step: When you’re done gluing on the candy corn, spray the whole wreath with a clear gloss spray paint. I was worried about ants coming to eat the wreath and  thought this would help. It also helps the candy corn to be a little less fragile.

5. Hang it up using some black ribbon and enjoy!

I think this whole project took me about an hour tops!

UPDATE: After a rainy day here in Southern California, some of my candy corn turned into a melted mess (and I have a covered door so it wasn’t rained on directly!). I replaced the few that got damaged, but if I did NOT use the clear gloss spray, the whole thing would have been ruined 😦 My recommendation is, if you are putting this outside, use MANY coats of the spray and make sure to cover it at all angles. OR I would recommend using mod podge to paint over it when finished.

Linked to Today’s Creative Blog; These Creative Juices; A Silly Little Sparrow; All Thingz Related; The Pumpkin Patch; Lucky Star Lane; Creative Itch; Delicious Ambiguity; Hope Studios; New Nostalgia; Sugar Bee; Creations By Kara; Sew Much Ado; My Backyard Eden; Someday Crafts; Me and My Bucket; The Shabby Chic Cottage; Somewhat Simple; Fireflies and Jellybeans; Ponytails and Fishscales; It’s Sew Stinkin Cute; House of the Hepworths; Black Kats Design; Life As Lori; Fingerprints on the Fridge; Fun to Craft; The Shabby Nest; Finding Fabulous; Frou Frou Decor; A Little Lovely; I Heart Naptime; Kuzak’s Closet; Under The Table and Dreaming; Skip To My Lou; Keeping It Simple; The Girl Creative; Sumo’s Sweet Stuff; Chic On A Shoestring; Brambleberry Cottage; Cheap Chic Home; Paisley Passions; Craft-O-Maniac; Craftaholics Anonymous; Between Naps On The Porch; Coastal Charm; Tales From Bloggeritaville; Making The World Cuter; Mad In Crafts; Tidy Mom
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63 Responses to Tutorial Tuesday: Candy Corn Wreath

  1. Debbie Barlow says:

    Very Clever.

  2. Elizabeth says:

    Looks really cute.

  3. DeeAnna says:

    eat one place one….eat one place one……

  4. MessyMissy says:

    Ahhh, this is a cruel joke!! No one would actually use candy corn in such a way when it is only meant to be EATEN!!!! 😉 Seriously, though….I’m kinda bothered by it.

    • Anne says:

      I couldn’t do it.It looks great but I would need to use beads or something.The idea of spraying finish on them and NOT eating them makes me faint.

  5. Ahh….soooo CUTE…I’m a candy corn fan too!!


  6. angie says:

    I have control issues when it comes to candy corn. I have been known to eat an entire bag by myself in 1 day. Yep. The big bag.

  7. I wanted to follow do you have that !! LOL

  8. Annette says:

    Cute idea. I am going to make one for my friend’s classroom. She Loves candy corn. I will need to make sure she tells the kids it is not to eat and send them a bag for a treat,LOL
    Thanks for sharing, Annette

  9. Marilyn Tucker says:

    I have a problem with this too! I also eat a whole bag of candy corn by myself. I have been seeing tutes on making candy corn. I would cut out little triangles of wood and paint them…lol.

  10. Very cute wreath! I may have to try this!! Thanks so much for sharing!


  11. larsinnh says:

    I saw this in Woman’s Day and wanted to try it! I keep thinking I’ll never get the corns to line up too well, though. Yours came out great!

  12. Ami Allison says:

    That is really cute! I LOVE candy corn too!!!!! LOVE IT!!!
    Did you know that someday crafts has a categorized link party and next Friday is Candy Corn Day!!!


    me~~~> http://alililly.blogspot.com/

  13. Katie P says:

    I saw this on the magazine too! How cute and easy!

  14. I love the wreath. It is so cute.

  15. I was wondering if anyone would actually DO this one! It turned out wonderfully sleek, and excellent idea with the sealer.

  16. Great idea with the clear spray paint!!! I wouldn’t have thought of that! So cute! Thanks for sharing on It’s Sew Stinkin’ Cute!

  17. I saw it too! What a cute project. An hour isn’t bad, I thought it would take longer with all of those individual candy corns.

  18. Red Head says:

    Love it! I’m a huge fan of candy corns, and thought about making one when I saw the same magazine. However, once the bag was bought, we just kept eating them. So, I made an alternative. I’ll be posting it this weekend if you’re interested…


  19. Crystal says:

    This is so much fun! I’ll be featuring this tomorrow.

  20. Olivia says:

    Adorable. Found you on New Friend Friday.

  21. jan says:

    Love it. I’m off to buy the candy. Thanks for the how-to’s.

  22. Alan says:

    Two Comments:
    Hang it high enough to keep the young sweet tooths from reaching it.
    When making it, “one for the wreath, one for me”.

  23. mccall says:

    I LOVE this! It’s just adorable!

  24. Very cute! I like the pattern you made by reversing each row. Happy fall!

  25. Emma Baumann says:

    I saw this in Woman’s Day too! Did it take forever to glue all the candy corns on though??

  26. Lori S. says:

    Looks good enough to eat 😉 Thanks SO much for joining in on Thrilling Thursdays @ Paisley Passions. I love to see the creative talent of other fellow bloggers. Hope you to see you again soon 🙂
    ~Lori S.
    Thrilling Thursdays @Paisley Passions

  27. Suzy @ Joy Is At Home says:

    I love this! I am going to have to make one of these 🙂 I am your newest follower! Have a great weekend!

  28. Lorie says:

    I don’t like candy corn as a treat, but I LOVE it as a decoration. I saw that wreath on the cover and I love it! You did a great job!

  29. Amanda says:

    I just wanted to say good call on the deciding to use ribbon. I just finished attempting this doing duct tape – it looked so great! I let it sit for awhile and then picked it up….and a large percentage of the candy corn fell off. I think that the duct tape I used is too slick for the glue from the hot glue gun to really adhere to…

  30. Love this wreath!!! Looks like it takes a lot more candy corn than one bag. Love it!!

  31. 'ce schafler says:

    can’t believe no one else has mentioned this yet …. i think the wreath would indeed look great on my front door …. and that anyone who hangs it, obviously is making a statement about welcoming in the fall season in all of its sunny glory and traditional joy, but wouldn’t the wreath all slso serve to feed not only the “imagination” of some unwanted critters, but also help to satiate their appetites … i mean, maybe some of those critters are critters who you really would not want hanging around your front door???

    • karly says:

      Where I live, I haven’t had a problem….but can’t say critters are a problem here! I probably wouldn’t recommend this wreath for my mom who lives in Mammoth in the middle of wilderness central!!!

  32. gena says:

    Oh I love this !!!! So, cute and looks easy enough – I’m going to try it myself !!!!!

    thanks for sharing,

  33. DeniseMarie says:

    You did such a great job! I saw that too and you sure rocked it out.

  34. I also love candy corn (I love all candy!) Funny story: My neighbor made this and hung it on her door, went to work, it rained…she came home to “candy corn juice” all over the front step and droppings of candy everywhere!! So, hopefully yours is indoors!

  35. I saw this on the cover of Woman’s Day too but I knew I would never have enough to make the dang wreath. I’d eat ’em all up during the process! Glad you shared it though!

  36. mccall says:

    Just wanted you to know I featured your craft on my blog tonight. 🙂 YOu can check it out here:

  37. I saw this on the magazine cover and thought it to be a cute idea, as well. All that “high fructose corn syrup” is put to best use on the wreath rather than in the bellys. LOL

    Thanks for linking to my party. I would love to have you join me each week.

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  38. Buffye says:

    Thanks so much, I saw this wreath on the magazine while in the checkout lane. I cant wait to try it out.

  39. I just saw your project highlighted on Finding Fabulous and had to comment on how darn cute this is! Way to go! I see things all the time in magazines and think, hey I want to make that, but I rarely do. This one is a keeper.

  40. Jerri says:

    Great project! Looks adorable! Thanks for linking up for Friday Favorites! Hope to see you again this week.

  41. Jerri says:

    Came back to tell you that I’m featuring you this week. Come by and grab my Featured button if you’d like one.

  42. Abbey says:

    I’ve made this wreath twice in the past 10 days. It really does only take an hour to make, and not even a whole bag of candy corn. The first time I sealed mine with mod podge and because its water-based, it completely ruined the wreath- I had candy corn juice dripping from the thing while it dried. The second time I used an acrylic based lacquer, with multiple coats, and it is much better. Also, I used all ribbon instead of duct tape. If you’re thinking about making it, its really easy! Give it a try!

  43. Audra says:

    I’ve wondered about this kind of project in hotter climate areas. Thanks for the tips in your update. Love how yours came out!

  44. J. Hill says:

    This was one of my favorite projects from last week’s Mad Skills party, and I will be featuring it on my blog today.


  45. Kelly says:

    Very cute, love it! Believe it or not candy corn doesn’t have high fructose corn syrup and I know this because my family is HFCS free and we still enjoy candy corn this time of year! Thanks for sharing how to make this and for your note about rain.

  46. Pingback: Friday Favorites

  47. Ash says:

    this is adorable! Found you from Pinterest!! I featured your wreath in my home blog, here: http://humberhomeproject.blogspot.com/2012/03/wreath-for-all-seasons.html 🙂

  48. Pingback: how to make a wreath diy fall wreath, fabric wreaths, olive wreath, how to make wreaths, ribbon wreath, burlap wreath, DIY Yarn Wreaths, Felt Wreath Tutorials, Door Wreaths, Rag wreath, Book Page Wreath, Coffee Filter Wreath Tutorials, Moss Wreath, Twig W

  49. Jamie B says:

    What could be more perfect for Halloween/Fall decorating than a candy corn wreath.. I love it! I hope it’s okay, I just finished a Halloween crafts/decor round-up and featured your cute candy corn wreath. You can see it here:


    Also, thank you for taking the time to share the tutorial.. I hope to try and make one soon 🙂

  50. Pingback: Cuckoo for Candy Corn: 33 Fun Recipes, Crafts, and More | missbutterbean

  51. Pingback: Favorites from Mad Skills #23 - Mad in Crafts

  52. Pingback: Creative ideas for using Halloween Candy -

  53. Pingback: 3 Ways to Decorate with Candy Corn

  54. Pingback: 88 Beautiful Wreaths To Make! {free patterns} – Tipjunkie

  55. Pingback: 31 Candy Corn Craft Ideas

  56. Pingback: DIY Halloween Decorations

  57. Pingback: Easy Halloween Party Decorations You Can Make for About $5

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